Spirited Ceramics Hand-made custom ceramics

Spirited Ceramics
Spirited Ceramics is about our creative process to express our imagination through Clay - the earth. My direction in art is to find a balance of function and freedom. The more I explore and expand, I see the unlimited possibilities around. I strive to build a harmonious relationship with my work by incorporaing a wide range of perspectives, forms and colors of life with the medium of clay.
Clay has taught me to have stillness, patients, and to have a center point which helps brings balance to our life. I find that creating forms with intricacy and simplicity, combined with the solidity, clay has shows us new ways to be alive in the present moment. Clay teaches and shows that with every moment of its spin around and around, a center point is created of quiet, calm stillness, that vibrates with life. This aids my spirit and transforms our life and inspires me to keep creating.

I high-fire porcelain and stoneware clay bodies which are customized for different projects. I also develop my own glazes and fire our work to cone 10 in a reduction or oxidation environment. The clay can be made into any project of size. I love creating ideas with my clients and working together. The work is available by orders only as I do not stock pile. I have a showroom where our work can be viewed and our classes are held. We make a range of sinks, sculptures, fountains, custom tiles and unique functional items.
Why Spirited Ceramics? Because the meaning of spirited is to be fully alive and harmonious with life. This is where the creativity comes from and how I express it in our life. Clay is powerfully alive and therefore it is spirited. It undergoes a full metamorphosis and chemically turns into ceramic. As it is a transformative medium, it takes me on its journey.
Spirited Ceramics reflects the journey in life as I go through my own metamorphosis.